I love shooting for myself. There is a freedom to spend all day and only come back with just one, killer shot. And the satisfaction of freezing a single moment that will never happen again is tremendous.
People rarely notice me when I shoot. I seem to have a knack of blending into the background – even with my big white lens. Street photography is often about capturing life as it is. I suppose I’ve gained this knack through my events photography, where you have to be invisible.
Personal work gives me the opportunity to explore black & white images. Although my clients love my colour work, I’m in love with a world of monochrome. It forces me to choose shapes and texture and the discipline is rewarding.
I tell clients to look through my personal images, because it gives an insight to how I think visually. For me, this is possibly the most important section in my site. I hope you enjoy it.
And in 20-30 years, perhaps I’ll self publish. It will be a look at London through nearly half a decade. I wonder how things will change?